Installing PDO Oracle and OCI8 from PHP7 on Ubuntu/Mint (Oracle 11.2)

If you are facing problems or if you already had headache to install OCI8 and PDO_OCI modules for Oracle as me, here goes a step by step from what has worked for me. I hope that it helps you too.

The steps in this tutorial require that the user has root privileges.

If already have installed the Apache and the PHP, You only have to verify if your computer has all PHP packages listed on step 2.

Step 1 – Install Apache .

Open the terminal and type the follow commands:

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install apache2

After install the Apache, try on the browser if Continue reading…

My history with the free software world

My history with the free software (as in freedom), has long date. I’ve begun to try to use when I was in the college, about 2006, I didn’t begin by encourage of my University, but I began because a friend of college encouraged me. I think that is a mistake courses in the area of technology don’t encourage to use free software, because free software gives more liberty and possibilities for who is learning to program. But coming back to my experience, I’ve tried to begin in one distribution for expert users in Linux, the Slackware, but as soon as I began, I gave up, due the difficult to found drivers to a modem of mine. I also had to compile the majority of the programs for this distribution. My Internet in that time was through a dial up modem 56k and I used only on the weekends because on the weekends was cheaper than Monday to Friday. After that I changed to Kurumin, a Brazilian distribution based on Kinnopix who already had Continue reading…